Coronavirus: When Will Our Life Become Normal Again?

In a flash, the coronavirus has thrown our lives overboard – the anxious question is: how long is this going to go on?

We are in a state of emergency, life is no longer what it was two weeks ago. Videocalls instead of chatting in the coffee kitchen, romping in the garden instead of meeting friends on the playground, watching TV instead of partying with the others.

Life changes in many areas

The corona crisis and the associated call not to leave the house has changed our lives. And on many different levels:

  • Some of us have serious concerns about contracting Covid-19 ourselves
  • Others fear for their loved ones, for parents and grandparents
  • We have a feeling we’re about to get cabin fever from sitting in the den
  • Self-employed and small entrepreneurs fear for their existence
  • Thousands of workers fear for their jobs
  • Above it all hovers the feeling that “the world will never be the same again”

Looking at the calendar, it is hard to believe: Most of us have only been living under the influence of the coronavirus for a few days – for a week or maybe two. Just four weeks ago it was carnival, just three weeks ago we were all in clubs and bars, and just two weeks ago we were all shopping, sometimes carefree.

Now the anxious question arises: When will our life become “normal” again? When can we enjoy life as we know it again? Will it ever be like “before” again?

The answer is clear

There is an answer to all these questions. The answer is clear, unambiguous – and yet it will not satisfy many of us. Because the answer to the question of when our lives will become “normal” again is: No one can know!

Yes, it is hard, but it is true: no one knows how long our life will remain restricted. No one can say when the shops will be able to open again. It is completely unclear whether we will only return to normal in a few weeks, months or perhaps years.

What experts can tell us – and what not

Yes, there are assessments by experts who can say when they believe the virus is defeated. There are physicians and researchers who make projections, there are experts who have an opinion on the economic situation. But there is no one who knows all the factors, who can take them into account and who can tell us if and when everything will go back to the way it was.

Is that bad news? No, because there is something else in the news: Namely, that we should think less about when things can go back to normal and more about putting our energy into ensuring that this time is as soon as possible. Because we can all contribute with our behaviour to getting this crisis behind us soon.

You know the recommendations: Stay at home, keep your distance, wash your hands… And who knows: Maybe this crisis will be over as quickly as it started. That is not certain, but in the current situation nothing is certain at all …

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