Here’s How To Stop Hair Breakage

Help, my hair is breaking off! There are many causes of hair breakage. What they are and what you can do to make your hair look healthy and well-groomed again quickly – we will tell you.

Healthy, well-nourished, shiny hair – this is the dream of every woman. By nature, only the fewest are blessed with it. The hair breaks off, is dry, straw-like and split. So the only solution is to cut it off? Not always.

Before you reach for the scissors, you should first find out what causes could be hiding behind the hair breakage. Because only if you know the cause can you take targeted action against it. A small change in hair care usually achieves the first positive results.

Causes of hair breakage

Is your hair getting adequate care? Many do not even know what is important in the right care. Yet it is often the little things that are crucial for hair breakage and cause the hair to break.

The most common causes of hair breakage include:

  • Washing too hot, blow drying, straightening, direct sunlight, etc.
  • toupee
  • rough combing of wet hair
  • strong pressure from hair clips and rubber bands
  • frequent bleaching and coloring, perming
  • heating air
  • friction from woolen clothing can roughen the hair
  • stress
  • vitamin deficiency
  • wrong diet

Is your hair breaking off? These tips will make your hair healthy again

Once the hair is broken, a visit to the hairdresser is inevitable. But to prevent it from happening in the first place, here are some effective tips.

Regular tip cutting

Have your ends cut every six to eight weeks. Already broken hair ends as well as split ends are removed and brittle hair can grow back healthily.

Hair ends and the lengths need an extra portion of care. Oils and tip fluids provide the dry hair sections with moisture and important nutrients.

Hair wash

The more often you wash your hair, the more stressed it becomes. But it is not only the frequency of washing that matters, because the temperature is also crucial. Washing hair less often and less hot is kinder to the hair and the hair breaks less.

Keratin treatment

In the smoothing process from Brazil, the hair is enriched with keratin. This makes the hair smooth, supple and strengthened. The elastic protein is the main natural component of the hair, it rebuilds them from the inside. The cure is suitable for all hair types and works for up to four months.

As an alternative to the cure, you can also use shampoos and conditioners with keratin. With regular use, this protects your hair from breakage.

Tip: Reach for a shampoo without sulfates. These products do not contain aggressive cleaning substances that could dry out the hair.

Hair masks

Treat your hair to a hair mask with repair ingredients every now and then. Most masks contain rich oils that moisturize your hair. This will make your hair healthy and supple again and it will no longer break off.

By the way, a good hair oil without silicones can also help keep your hair healthy.

Just do not rub dry

Many do it wrong, they rub the hair dry after washing. This harms the hair, because the hair swollen by the water breaks off more easily. Therefore: pat dry instead of rubbing.

Think about the heat protection

Be sure to spray heat protection on the hair before blow drying and styling. High temperatures damage the hair structure and hair breakage is promoted. With a lower hairdryer setting you also achieve a beautiful result, see for yourself.

Hair dryer with ionic technology

Better than blow-drying, of course, is air-drying. Therefore, especially in the summer, skip the hair dryer. Your hair will dry much better in the fresh air.

If you have to do it quickly, blow-dry your hair with a hair dryer with ionic technology. This extracts less moisture from the hair, the outer cuticle of the hair is sealed and your hair becomes shinier and the hair does not break.

Combing with natural bristles

When brushing, always go through the hair carefully and without force. Comb the tips first, avoid minor hair tangles and further disheveled hair. Natural bristles like from boar are the gentlest choice for the hair. You will see, the hair will break off less.

Pay attention to the material of styling products

Straighteners, curling irons etc. do the least damage if they are coated with ceramic. The heat is distributed more evenly and the styling product glides more gently through the hair, so it is less stressed and less hair breaks off.

Refrain from using hair ties every now and then

Tight lacing and rubbing through a hair tie unnecessarily promotes hair breakage. Do not make your hair tie so tight and use hair clips from time to time.

Healthy diet rich in nutrients

Make sure you eat a balanced, healthy and especially nutrient-rich diet, which will help your hair grow and prevent hair breakage. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products should be included in your diet plan because they provide important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and calcium.

Avoid stress

Too much stress can cause your hair to break off. If you get rid of this, it can also have a positive effect on your hair.

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