Home Remedies for Earaches: What Really Helps?

Earaches can be a damn nuisance and a long time in coming. Here you can find out what home remedies for earaches really do the trick.

Do I need to see a doctor?

  • Ear pain can manifest itself in different ways. They can sting, pinch, burn, pull and thus have very different causes and complaints.
  • The ear is a very sensitive and complex organ. In the case of an inflammation, for example the inflammation of the middle ear, which is particularly common in children, a home remedy is not enough. The complaints in the ear can, however, also have their causes in completely different diseases that can originate in the throat, the tonsils, teeth or even the jaw.
  • In general, if you feel strong or permanent pain in your ear, consult a doctor. Only the doctor can tell you which steps will help now. If it turns out that the ear pain is harmless and not a painful inflammation, you can still try our recommended home remedies.

Home remedies for earache: 4 practical remedies

1. Onion

As an antibacterial plant, the bulb is a good help against inflammation in case of earache. Bulbs used as bulb sacs can soothe the aching ear. Cut an onion into small pieces and heat it without adding oil.

Now wrap the onion in a cloth and squeeze it a little so that the juice of the onion comes out. Now hold the cloth warm, but not too hot, against your ear. You can use a cap to stabilize the cloth against your ear.

Leave the onion sacs on your ear for about 30 minutes. The warmth and essential oils of the onion will ease your discomfort.

2. Heat

You should not only keep your ear warm with onions, because warmth can relieve painful symptoms. So don’t be afraid to wear a cap in the apartment. It can also help if you warm up a cherry pit cushion and hold it against your ear. Be careful not to let your ears get too hot, though. You should have a pleasant feeling.

3. Resting

Surely the classic and often did not like to hear advice on complaints: Sleep and rest! Your body now needs strength and energy to fight the symptoms of earaches. So if you put extra strain on it, the earache can get worse and attack the immune system. Also make sure you drink enough, as the body loses a lot of fluid.

4. Chamomile

Chamomile is great when it comes to relieving pain. Especially if your middle ear infection is not so severe, you can treat yourself to a chamomile steam bath.

To do this, you should put two to three tablespoons of chamomile flowers in hot water and let it steep for five minutes. Now hold your ear over the steam from the water for a few minutes. Alternatively you can also use chamomile for inhalation

How to prevent it

  • Avoid draughts
  • Wear a cap in cold temperatures
  • Change earplugs regularly
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