How to Get Rid of Smelly Washing Machine

Does your washing machine have a bad smell? We tell you what it can be and what you can do to prevent it from stinking.

Why does the washing machine stink?

A musty smell from the washing machine is usually transferred to the washed laundry. Since nobody likes musty clothes, we have to do something against the smell as soon as possible. But where does the smell actually come from?

  • If the washing machine stinks, the rubber seal may be the reason. Hair, residual water and detergent residues often collect on the rubber seal. The heat causes bacteria and mould to grow in the machine – and thus also musty odors.
  • Animal hairs, lint and detergent residues also get caught in the lint filter, drum and hoses. Bacteria also accumulate here and mould can develop. As a result, the washing machine and the laundry in it stinks – no new wash cycle will help here either.
  • Due to a too low washing temperature or generally due to too rare boil washings, not only do we not clean the laundry properly, but germs are also left in the drum. A musty smell is the result. Do you actually know at how many degrees you should wash your towels?
  • The detergent drawer can also be the reason for a musty smell. Residual detergent in the detergent drawer or residual fabric softener in the fabric softener compartment can cause bacteria to develop due to the humid and warm climate in the bathroom.

How can I prevent the smell?

  • Cleaning the detergent compartment: After each wash cycle, the washing machine door and the detergent compartment should be left open so that the residual moisture can evaporate. Even better: dry door seals and residual water with a cloth.
  • High temperatures: If you have not switched for a long time, you should occasionally switch on an empty washing machine at 90 degrees or at high temperatures. This way bacteria have no chance.
  • Cleaning the lint filter: Clean the lint filter regularly and dry it thoroughly.
  • Decalcifying washing machine: Lime stains can occur in all places that come into contact with water – even in washing machines. Therefore, regular descaling is important. A helpful home remedy is vinegar, for example. This also kills germs and bacteria. Vinegar also helps to clean and decalcify tiles.
  • Checking the drain pump: The drain pump should be checked regularly. If the pump leaks and water collects on the floor unnoticed, odours are pre-programmed.
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