How to Lose Weight with Weight Watchers?

WW, formerly known as Weight Watchers, is probably one of the most famous nutrition systems in the world. We explain how weight loss works on a point system.

What is WW?

WW, formerly known as Weight Watchers, is not a classic diet, but is a nutritional system. All foods are allowed, but each has a certain point value. And each participant has a certain daily number of points that he or she is allowed to “spend” on these foods. In November 2019, the group changed its concept again and published it as “meinWW”. The aim of WW is a healthy change of diet and a slow but steady weight loss. That this can work is confirmed by many participants.

How Does The Principle Work?

Instead of calories, Weight Watchers participants count points, the so-called SmartPoints. The system behind them: Every dish or food has a fixed value, calculated from calories, saturated fatty acids, protein and sugar content. This should help participants to identify healthy and low-fat dishes – and to integrate them into their diet. The basic rule is: nothing is forbidden as long as the points account is not overdrawn. There are also so-called ZeroPoint foods that can be eaten without limit.

How Do I Know How Many Points I can Take?

The new “meinWW” is now more responsive to the individual needs of each interested party. To this end, the participant initially fills out a nutrition questionnaire, which takes into account eating habits, lifestyle, behaviour and the activity level. Based on the answers, the participant is then sorted into one of three groups:

  • Green: At least 30 SmartPoints per day and more than 100 ZeroPoint food
  • Blue: At least 23 daily SmartPoints and more than 200 ZeroPoint foods
  • Purple: At least 16 SmartPoints daily and more than 300 ZeroPoint food products

The SmartPoints are calculated using the individual body data

  • Age,
  • Size,
  • Weight
  • and gender

calculated. The aim of the programme is to create a plan that is as individual as possible, which allows for a flexible daily routine and should make the changeover to a healthy diet as easy as possible. With this principle, WW promises a weight loss of up to one kilo per week.

How are The Points Determined?

The exact formula for calculating the points is the trade secret of WW. The fact is, however, that it takes into account the calorie and nutrient content of a foodstuff. A high fat content usually has a negative effect on the point value. The score therefore shows in a simple way how healthy or unhealthy a food is.

What Does It Cost to Join Weight Watchers?

WW offers monthly passes, which consist of the workshop with coach, the app and the use of the online offer and cost 42.95 Euro. Those who do without the meetings and only use the online offer and the app pay considerably less. In addition, a one-time registration fee of 29.95 euros is charged for all offers. In addition, the company regularly advertises the combination of online program and app at reduced rates. Here it is worth keeping your eyes open.

Are There any Points of Criticism of The Programme?

From a health point of view, there is actually nothing wrong with WW. The concept is based on a slow change of diet and the participants learn to eat more consciously. Success in purchasing begins gradually, which also speaks for WW. The recipes are mainly based on foods rich in fibre and protein, which have a good energy density and are satiating for a long time. The meetings with the group can help, but they are no guarantee of success.

WW itself regularly commissions studies to prove the effect of the concept. For “meinWW”, the company refers to a six-month clinical study from the USA, in which the participants used the method to lose an average of eight percent of their body weight, among other things. It should be noted, however, that only 143 people took part in the study, which was financed by WW itself. Therefore it is only conditionally meaningful.

How was WW Created? From The Idea to a Large Corporation

In the 1960s, the US American Jean Nidetch had an idea that changed the food industry forever. She met with friends to lose weight and discipline herself together. It worked. In 1963, she turned her idea into the Weight Watchers Group, which grew into a global brand over the next few decades. The weekly meetings with other participants are considered the most well-known element of the nutrition concept. However, the group meetings have long since ceased to be a prerequisite for using WW as a weight loss aid.

Reading tips: You want to learn more about possible weight loss options? Then take a look at our articles Intermittent Fasting or Logi Method.

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