How to Set Up a Productive Workspace: Home Office Tips and Ideas

You would like to furnish your workroom so that you can work efficiently, creatively and healthily in your home office? We have nice tips and design ideas for you.

The workroom should be a quiet and bright room where you have enough space to work and where you can withdraw and concentrate. In the best case, the room even encourages your creativity. However, the most important thing when furnishing your office is that you feel comfortable in it and that your work is not negatively affected in any way.

And even though home offices may sound like paradise to many people at first, there are a few tips to follow to ensure that you can work efficiently in your home office after you’ve finished furnishing it.

These tips will help you

  • Having your own room is the best solution for working well from home and being able to concentrate better. If you don’t have an extra room, then look for a niche in your apartment to be able to set up a workroom of that kind. That way you too can create the perfect home office!
  • The furnishings can be homely and match the rest of your home style, because only if you enjoy spending time in your home office will you be productive there.
  • In the home office, think of your discs too. Sitting quietly at the table all day is not exactly good for your health. So get up regularly and change your sitting position.
  • Don’t spend the whole day looking for your many Post-its and other work materials, instead start structuring your everyday life in your home office. Practice self-discipline!
  • If you tidy up your workplace after work and leave it clean, the next working day will start much nicer and more structured.
  • Making a home office together is fun and promotes creativity. If you were to work alone from home permanently, it can get pretty lonely over time.
  • You should feel comfortable at home, and this also applies to the home office. When choosing your clothes, also remember that you can be called spontaneously at any time via video conference.

How to create an inspiring atmosphere in your workplace and which items should not be missing when furnishing your home office, we introduce you to furniture and accessories for your home office.

Beautiful design ideas

Wall colour

Before you want to furnish your home office, you should first think about the colour of the walls. You should not use too bright or too dark colours, because they strain the brain unnecessarily and irritate the eye. A calm white, soft beige, pastel shades or muted colours, on the other hand, promote concentration and make for more relaxation.

Light or muted shades of grey, green and blue are particularly suitable for furnishing the home office. They have a calming, concentration-promoting and vitalising effect.

Sun protection

When furnishing your office, make sure that your workplace is on the side of the window, so that you get enough natural light into the room. The desk should by no means stand with its back to the window. This causes poor visibility on the screen and strains your eyes. If the daylight interferes with your work from time to time, transparent curtains or blinds will help you.


You like working at a desk? But the coffee table in your home is too low? Then you should consider investing in a small, simple desk or a modern desk with enough storage space when furnishing your office.
Depending on how often and how long you work in your home office, how often and how long you need a desk during the day and have your own workspace, a height-adjustable desk is also worthwhile. You can work comfortably standing or sitting at it. This also makes work easier if you often suffer from back pain.

Desk chair

The times when everyone had a classic, rather unattractive desk chair at home are over. When furnishing your office, you can fall back on a rather small but beautiful desk chair. But that is not to say that it is not ergonomic at best, because an ergonomic chair is still essential for a healthy posture and a permanently comfortable sitting at the desk. As an alternative, a gym ball is also suitable, because with it you can also adopt a straight posture.

Tip: If your feet stand loosely side by side on the floor and your upper and lower legs are at a 90-degree angle to each other, you have the healthiest posture while working.

Desk lamp

With good lighting in the workplace, you can work much better. You are more awake, more efficient and feel more comfortable. When furnishing your office, make sure that the desk lamp does not dazzle or distort colours. With the right lamp, you can also work in the dark or in the evening from home!
Nice side effect: Your eyes are relieved because they don’t have to work as hard at seeing as they do in the dark.

Tip: If you are left-handed, you should place your desk lamp on the right and right-handed people on the left of you, this prevents annoying shadows being cast by your hands.

Office supplies

Pen holders for pens and co., folders, post-its, paper clips and a notebook are absolute must-haves at the workplace, but pretty storage boxes and a wastebasket are also indispensable when furnishing the office. They are practical organizers and decoration at the same time. When choosing office supplies, colourful accents can be set in the home office.

To have everything at hand quickly at all times, you need suitable storage space. Storage boxes or baskets create order for small items. Files, folders, letters, etc. are best stored on a shelf or in a mobile container with drawers.

A stylish memo board on the wall is ideal for writing down all appointments and new ideas at any time.

Room divider

If you don’t have the possibility to furnish a workroom, screens or shelves help you to divide your workplace from the rest of the room. It is also suitable as privacy protection from roommates, children or your partner. By using a screen you create a nicer working atmosphere – and you also get a better feeling while working.

Workrooms need storage space, but unfortunately space is often in short supply. Shelves also help you to store books, files and folders.

Personal photos

To add a personal touch to the home office, photos with friends and family are just the thing to have a quick glance at a wall organizer and look out into the distance. This is good for the eyes and your own mind and brings positive energy for everyday life in the home office. Absolutely note when furnishing your office!


When furnishing your office, you should by no means do without houseplants, because they improve the air quality, increase your own well-being and make your home office more comfortable.

Cosy corner

Who wouldn’t like it, the cosy corner in the office, where your creative thinking pauses can find room, where you can simply take a deep breath and clear your head? If you have that space in your study, then create it for yourself. All you need is a comfortable armchair and a stylish order table, alternatively a large, comfortable cushion on the floor and your blanket, a floor lamp and a carpet.

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