Losing Weight without Hunger

Losing weight without hunger – sounds like a beautiful, but unfortunately unattainable dream? But it does not have to be! With our tips your excess kilos will fall almost by themselves!

Contrary to what most people think, losing weight without hunger is quite possible. And this will certainly please anyone who has tried countless unsuccessful diets – because for many of them, the feeling of hunger ultimately fails because it takes over. All you need to lose weight without hunger is a little goodwill and our tips!

Losing weight without hunger: The Basics

The principle of losing weight is actually always the same: we have to consume fewer calories than we consume. And these calories should preferably come from healthy foods that keep us full for a long time and provide us with all the nutrients we need. As a rule, we should eat three main meals – and in between, if necessary, one or two healthy snacks such as nuts or vegetable sticks.

Move, move, move

Just as important as a healthy diet when losing weight without hunger is exercise. It not only protects against numerous diseases, but also stimulates the metabolism and strengthens our muscles. We should take moderate exercise two to three times a week for at least 30 minutes each. The rule is: the more, the better. Endurance sports such as cycling, swimming or jogging are suitable. Losing weight without sport can also work, but it takes much longer!

Lose weight without starving – with this nutrition plan!

These tips will help you lose weight healthily and happily – without the annoying feeling of hunger!

1. Restrict carbohydrates in the evening

Most people find it difficult to do without carbohydrates completely: Potatoes, pasta, bread and co. are simply too delicious! But we don’t have to remove these things completely from our menu – if we can do without them in the evening, that’s a good start. Because carbohydrates affect the release of insulin, which can slow down the breakdown of fat. It is better to rely on proteins from protein-rich foods in the evening – that is, for example, curd cheese, eggs, cheese, low-fat meat and vegetables. You don’t go to bed hungry either, because proteins last a particularly long time. The quark diet, for example, goes well with this.

Extra tip low-carb: If you want to follow the classic low-carb diet, limit yourself to a small portion of carbohydrates even at lunchtime – for example three potatoes to a large portion of vegetables and a piece of chicken breast.

2. Make sure you drink enough

We cannot say it often enough: at least two litres of water a day should be compulsory, the more the better. This is not only healthy, it also helps us to lose weight without starving: a large glass of water directly before a meal has been proven to ensure that we eat less and therefore consume fewer calories.

3. Eat only when you are hungry

All too often we are tempted by habits to eat, even though we are actually not really hungry. So make sure that you really only eat when you are hungry and not because the clock is telling you the typical time for lunch.

4. Respect for small sins in the diet

Small sins add up quickly – and through them we often lose track of what we have actually eaten. At best, we should avoid the chips while watching TV and the pudding for dessert altogether. It often helps to treat yourself to a little sweets during the day so that you don’t develop a ravenous appetite at some point.

5. Put on whole grain

White flour products have a lot of carbohydrates but little healthy fibre. Bread, toast and co. cause the blood sugar level to rise quickly – but to fall again even faster. And this makes us hungry again. To be able to lose weight without being hungry, we should replace white flour products with the healthier wholemeal variety. Wholemeal bread, pasta and the like not only fill you up longer, they also contain more nutrients than white flour products.

6. Avoidance of finished products

Finished products such as pizza should only be included in your diet in exceptional cases. Because they contain only a few nutrients, but a lot of fat, sugar and salt – Americans eat too much of everything. It is well known that sugar can make you ill and fat, but salt also gets in the way of losing weight. Because it ensures that the body binds water, which can cause swelling. And this is also noticeable on the scales! It is therefore best if you cook your own food, then you know what is in it. Instead of salt you can use herbs, for example.

7. Take time to eat

Often we only eat on the side while the TV is on, for example. As a result, we shovel the food into ourselves too quickly, do not chew enough and our feeling of fullness only sets in when the whole plate is already empty. Because it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to receive the signal “full”. People who eat slowly consume on average up to 10 percent fewer calories than those who gulp. That’s why there should be no sources of distraction while eating: turn off the TV, sit down and slowly enjoy bite by bite.

8. Change wisely

It doesn’t always have to be the thick butter on the bread – low-fat curd cheese is a good alternative for your diet plan. Then add vegetables on top and we’ll start the day healthy! A slice of wholemeal bread with cucumber, paprika and radish, for example, comes to only 180 calories (kcal). And if you choose the lean chicken variant instead of the fatty rump steak at lunchtime, you will only consume 127 kcal per 100 grams.

Even more tips for when your kilos are mainly on your stomach can be found in the article Losing weight on your stomach. And if you are constantly hungry, the Volumetrics diet could be the right program for you!

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