Making Beauty Routines More Hygienic: That’s How It’s Done

Given the current situation, we should pay even more attention to hygiene than we already do. With these tips you can make your beauty routine more hygienic.

We have probably never thought so much about washing our hands, disinfecting or touching our face. Nevertheless, either way it is not wrong to pay attention to hygiene – especially during the daily beauty routine. These five tips are guaranteed to help you:

Wash your hands

We all know: Before we cream our face and body or apply foundation with our hands, we should definitely wash them. Especially up-to-date. This prevents bacteria and dirt from being transferred from the fingers to the skin. Washing for at least 20 seconds is mandatory!

No rings and earrings

Also at our beloved jewellery a lot of dirt collects. Even make-up remains, for example, stick stubbornly to the parts. That’s why you should deliberately put on rings and earrings at the very end (or not at all). Honestly, how often do you clean your jewelry? Probably not that often. Maybe it’s about time to do it again…

Due to the current situation, you should avoid jewellery altogether at the moment, dermatologist Dr. Mona Gohara advises in an interview with Studies have shown that the corona virus can survive up to four hours on copper and up to three days on stainless steel.

Short fingernails

You finally managed to get your nails done? Bad news… Germs grow quickly under long fingernails. That’s why we prefer to make short work and cut the nails as short as possible. The best way to clean your nails is to “scratch” the inside of your palms while you lather the soap. “This ensures that the soap cleans under the nails,” explains Dr. Mona Gohara.

Tie hair together

Tying the hair into a braid probably sounds very obvious to many, but not everyone does it. Our hair is very close to our mouth and nose – a plait prevents viruses from being transmitted from the hair via the mucous membranes. In addition, you should refrain from using dry shampoo, mousse, etc., as viruses can “hold on” to them better, as Dr. Mona Gohara explains. So: Better to walk around with greasy hair than to use dry shampoo every day …

Cleaning Tools

Last but not least: Our make-up brushes and sponges are also susceptible to bacteria. So make sure you clean them regularly – if not daily. Or you simply don’t apply make-up at all. It can’t hurt to give your skin a break.

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