Middle Ear Infection: Home Remedies at a Glance

The symptoms of the disease can be easily controlled with middle ear infection (otitis media) home remedies. Here we give an overview of all home remedies.

Do home remedies help against infection of the middle ear?

In principle, the following applies: An inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) should definitely be treated by a doctor, even if the administration of antibiotics is not necessary in all cases. However, some home remedies for middle ear inflammation have also proved effective in treating it – for example, various medicinal plants help to relieve the symptoms or treatment with heat. Especially in children, acute inflammation is easier to survive in this way.

Middle ear infection: Home remedies at a glance

The following home remedies can help with inflammation of the middle ear and relieve the acute inflammation:

  • Onion sacks: Onions have proven their worth for centuries for all kinds of earaches, although the effect has not actually been proven by studies. Certain substances in the onion inhibit inflammation and can kill germs, and the onion also increases the blood flow to the ear and inhibits pain. To make a sachet of onion, chop an onion into small pieces, blanch it briefly and then, after it has cooled, beat it into a sheet. Then the compress can be placed on the ear.
  • Chamomile tea: Chamomile also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is therefore used for many related diseases such as inflammation of the middle ear. The simplest way to prepare camomile tea for this purpose is to drink it. The tea bag has to drip off and can then be pressed against the affected ear.
  • Red light: Treatment with heat can help with both a cold and middle ear infection. Not only is warmth often perceived as beneficial in these conditions, it also helps to liquefy secretions in the ear so that they can drain more easily. The easiest way to do this is with a red light lamp, but a hot water bottle can also help.
  • Cold: Some patients do not like the heat – if you feel uncomfortable with this, you can instead test a treatment with cold against the pain. The easiest way to do this is to beat a cool pack into a cloth and place it against the ear.
  • Calf compresses: Calf compresses are a tried and tested household remedy, especially in cases of fever, which often occurs in middle ear infections. To do this, linen sheets are dipped in cool water, wrung out and wrapped around the calves. Then a compress with a dry cloth is applied. The calf compresses should be remoistened about every five to ten minutes. After about two to three repetitions, check whether the fever has already subsided.

Further tips for inflammation of the middle ear

In addition to the classic home remedies, there are other tips for the treatment of middle ear infection:

  • Bed rest: For a middle ear infection to heal, the immune system must work properly. For this reason, the body should not be burdened in any other way – affected persons are best rested until the symptoms subside.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water is important for any infection, but especially when children are affected and also suffer from fever. This is because the child can sweat a lot, causing the body to lose a lot of fluid. Kindergarten and primary school children should drink between 0.7 and one litre of water daily. In the case of an acute infection, the amount should be doubled.
  • Nasal spray: Inflammation of the middle ear is often the result of a cold – therefore, the mucous membranes are usually swollen during the illness. Decongestant nasal drops or nasal sprays can help. However, they should only be used for a short period of time – many can quickly become addictive.
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