Pimples on The Face: What Its Position Tells Us

Are skin impurities a pure hormone problem? Not always. The position of a pimple on the face is crucial. It tells us why we have it in the first place.

Pimples on the face: What does that tell us…

Where a pimple is placed on the face tells us much more than we might think. This is what the dermatologist Joshua Zeichner from the dermatological institute of the Mr. Sinai Hospital in New York City found out. The chin, jaw, neck, eyebrows, hairline, mouth, cheeks, nose and forehead are the areas where pimples can tell us what is happening in the body. And this is not always purely hormonal. If we know this, we can of course counter impurities much better.

1. Pimple on chin, jaw and neck: the typical period pimple

Why? Hormones flood the body before your period. Testosterone, for example. The increased production of male hormones stimulates the cells of the sebaceous glands, resulting in increased sebum production. Pimples on the chin and neck can be the result. The lack of estrogen is particularly pronounced at this time – estrogens would be able to inhibit sebum production.

What helps? A thorough cleansing can at least prevent bacteria from entering the sebaceous gland and causing inflammation with pus formation. But be careful not to overdo it (e.g. washing your face with cleansing gel in the morning and evening): this will destroy the acid mantle of the skin and allow bacteria to enter freely.

Consolation: Once the menstrual period is over, the appearance of the skin also improves again.

2. Pimples at the hairline

Why? Skin impurities in this area can be caused by products that have not been rinsed off the skin properly. Facial cleansing, hair care, styling products – all these can irritate the skin and provoke pimples.

What helps? If you are particularly sensitive in this zone, you should avoid the hairline when cleaning and removing make-up. Do not apply hair wax, spray or gel directly to the hairline, but only to the hair. Rinse shampoo and conditioner especially thoroughly.

3. Pimples on the corner of the mouth

Why? Dermatologist Joshua Zeichner blames nutrition for pimples around the mouth. Experts are still arguing about how great the influence of food on skin impurities actually is. What is certain, however, is that the sensitive balance of hormones is influenced by blood sugar levels. When it rises, there is a sudden release of insulin and at the same time the release of male hormones – which boost sebum production – occurs. But residues of acidic foods (vinegar-based dressings, lemon) can also irritate the skin and cause inflammation.

What helps? Keeping an eye on your diet. Since every person reacts differently, you should observe which foods your skin reacts to and how – and if necessary remove some from your diet.

4. Pimples on the cheeks

Why? Joshua sketch artist blames it on the cell phone. That’s where bacteria build up. Office phones and keyboards are also germ hotspots. Since most bacteria remain on your hands, you shouldn’t constantly touch your face. By the way, researchers have found out that women’s hands contain a significantly higher number of different types of bacteria than men’s hands.

But classic acne also often shows up on the cheeks. Late acne can be treated well with nutrition and skin care and the support of a dermatologist.

What helps? Washing your hands is only of limited help. In general, the composition of the bacteria population on the hands changes after washing, but the variety remains almost constant. Nevertheless, microbiologists recommend washing the hands for at least 20 seconds, even between the fingers. Also very important: Dry your hands thoroughly so that bacteria cannot multiply.

5. Pimples on nose and forehead

Why? The sensitive T-zone reacts to stress. Because stress hormones such as adrenaline and co. cause the skin to produce more sebum.

What helps? It is important to eliminate the cause: stress can be reduced by relaxation techniques. It also helps to cleanse the face well and soothe it with special care. Camomile, zinc or fresh pure tea tree oil disinfect – but it is better to keep your hands off toothpaste, as it irritates the skin and the fluorine it contains can cause inflammation. You should also be careful with tea tree oil, it can lead to contact dermatitis. It is best to apply it diluted to the skin.

The right skin care for pimples

Basically, skin care must be tailored to the needs of the skin. Most manufacturers have special skin care series for impure skin in their product range, ranging from facial cleansing to night care. If you have oily and impure skin, you can also use facial tonic with alcohol, which dries out the skin easily. Sensitive skin should be cleansed with less irritating ingredients, because many products for impure skin contain aggressive active ingredients. The care line should also avoid silicones, PEG and oils.

Peelings and masks against pimples

A peeling once a week can also help with impure skin. We will show you how you can do peeling yourself. For impure skin with inflamed pimples, compresses or masks that soothe the skin’s condition are good. Sprinkle chamomile tea on a sterile compress and lay it on the impurities. Then dab the skin with calendula extract.

Face masks with healing earth are also beneficial. You can mix healing earth with 1 litre of water, apply half a centimetre thickly to the affected area of skin and rinse off again with lukewarm water after about half an hour.

Dos and Don’ts for pimples

Anyone suffering from severe acne should ask the dermatologist for help. He can prescribe special lotions and creams containing fruit acids or salicylic acid, or in severe cases light medication such as vitamin A acid and even antibiotics. The acids open the pores so that the excess sebum can escape. Doctors also offer special light and laser therapies.

Important: Under no circumstances should pimples be squeezed out, as they can then become inflamed and possibly cause scars.

Change your diet: Dermatologists usually advise acne patients to change their diet and consistently avoid foods rich in fat and sugar for three months. These include potato chips, sugar and sweets, fast food, butter, cream, cheese, nuts and animal fat. Alcohol and nicotine anyway. But milk also often has an influence on the development of pimples. Researchers say that one particular type of milk is particularly responsible for pimples.

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