Quickly Lose Weight Through Protein Trick

Diets that rely on the power of proteins are a dime a dozen. Slim in your sleep, for example. And the concept works, as a new study from the US National Library of Medicine has just shown again. During the study, researchers found that proteins can boost the metabolism by up to 30 percent – and that falling kilos are virtually pre-programmed! The only thing we have to keep in mind is that All our meals should consist of one third protein. That means for example dairy products, eggs or cheese, but also meat. Pleasant side effect: proteins keep you full for a long time and support muscle building. It’s worth trying out!

At last it is warm again – and in the garden, the park or on the balcony many people start the barbecue. But it is not easy to pay attention to your figure. With the following tips, the barbecue pleasure becomes healthy:

  • Sit on fish: Fish is very healthy, low in calories – and tastes great fresh from the grill!
  • Grill vegetables: With meatless food we can save a lot of calories – peppers, zucchini and co. look great on the grill!
  • Leave out ready made sauces: Ready-made sauces from the supermarket are real calorie bombs Better: tomato-based sauces or homemade dips made from low-fat yoghurt.

Lose weight: You won’t get fat in your sleep!

Not only do we regenerate during sleep – those who sleep sufficiently also have a proven reduced appetite and ravenous appetite. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have now discovered that a habit while sleeping can even make us fat. Their conclusion: Women who sleep in bright light (and that already includes a TV that is switched on) have a disturbed metabolism. And that in turn can stimulate the appetite – we eat more and gain weight. In future, we should therefore make sure that we sleep in the dark so that we do not gain weight unintentionally! You can read all about scientific research in the article “This sleeping habit makes you fat.”

Lose weight: The Okinawa diet in the trend check

To be over 100 years old and at the same time fit and healthy – too good to be true? This is not uncommon among the people on the Okinawa Islands. But how do they do it? Of course, a balanced diet plays an essential role. This is not a protein diet or low carb, on the contrary!

  • Vegetables: Besides sweet potatoes, mainly carrots, bamboo shoots, pumpkin and papaya
  • Cereals: pasta, rice, millet
  • Soya

The percentage of vegetables, cereals and soya loves at 60-30-5, the rest is a bit of fish and meat. In the Okinawa diet, foods with a low calorie density, such as cucumbers or apples, are eaten. Besides nutrition, meditation and sports also play an important role on the Okinawa Islands. Disadvantage: The diet is relatively poor in nutrients.

Lose weight: The Lazy Keto Diet is so easy

The concept of the keto diet is known to most people: This form of nutrition relies mainly on a lot of fat, while carbohydrates are completely avoided. As a result, the liver uses the fat for utilization and forms a substitute for glucose – the so-called ketones, which give the diet its name. If you don’t want to do without carbohydrates completely, but are curious about the principle, you should try the slimmed-down version: The Lazy Keto Diet allows 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. This is much easier to keep up than a complete renunciation and the kilos still fall – even if a little less quickly.

Lose weight: Slim as a Hollywood star thanks to the New York Diet

The New York Diet belongs to the low-carb diets and is based on a protein-rich diet. Also carbohydrates from fruits, bread or sweets are forbidden from now on. Alcohol and dairy products are also a thing of the past. The consumption of sugar should be avoided as far as possible. The diet lasts a total of eight weeks and is divided into three phases, each with increasing calorie consumption. Sport also plays an important role from the last phase. With the New York Diet you can lose a few kilos in the first few weeks, but at the same time the diet is very strict and designed for short-term success.

Lose weight: Slim without bans thanks to the apple vinegar diet

Don’t worry, with the cider vinegar diet you don’t have to sip the sour vinegar all day long. In fact, you’re pretty flexible on your diet. Keep an eye on a calorie deficit of 200 to 500 calories per day and ideally eat mostly fruit, vegetables and healthy fats. You can find out here how you can easily create a diet plan. Take a glass of cider vinegar with water about 15 minutes before each meal. The cider vinegar stimulates your digestion and is supposed to promote fat burning, ravenous appetite is a thing of the past! However, even with this diet the focus is on a calorie-reduced diet!

Lose weight: Slim fast thanks to the DASH diet

To get high blood pressure under control, doctors have developed the trendy DASH diet. But not only hypertension patients benefit from this diet, but also anyone who wants to lose a few kilos. Because: The DASH diet relies mainly on low-calorie foods and lots of fruit and vegetables. Salty food, sweets and ready-to-eat meals, on the other hand, are off the menu. So the kilos fall in an instant! In addition, science proves how healthy the diet is: A study shows, for example, that the DASH diet can reduce the risk of death from heart attack.

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