Losing Weight without Sport

Losing weight without sport: What sounds like a mere dream of all spotty people is actually possible. With our tips, the kilos in everyday life will fall without any particular effort!

Losing weight without sport and strict dieting can actually be more than a dream – if you integrate a few small changes into your everyday life. But these changes should be much easier for a sports grouch than dragging yourself to the gym three times a week. Of course, it’s easier to lose pounds, but even if you have the motivation to exercise – between job, household and relationships, there’s often simply not enough time for a regular and intensive workout that also allows you to lose weight on your stomach.

Weight loss tips: Burn calories in everyday life

In order to be able to lose weight even without sport, we have to heat up our calorie consumption in a different way so that we have a negative calorie balance at the end of the day – because only with this balance is it possible to lose weight. These slimming tips can help:

Stairs instead of elevator

Of course it is pleasant to take the elevator to the third floor to the office. Nevertheless, you should rather take the stairs – after all, you will have been sitting in the office for at least eight hours and will not move. Climbing stairs is an effective little workout to boost your metabolism.

Bike instead of train – so kilo after kilo falls

Instead of sitting cramped in the track in bad air, we should rather swing onto the bike to lose weight. This is not only an effective sport that burns calories; cycling also strengthens endurance. And, unlike many other sports, many people who don’t like sports also like to ride their bikes and thus boost fat burning.

Eat healthy

Losing weight without sport only works if you turn to the second major component for losing weight – nutrition. You don’t have to do without sugar and carbohydrates completely (you usually can’t stick to such a diet anyway). But such foods should generally be on the menu less frequently. Instead, foods with a low calorie density help you lose weight. These include fruit and vegetables, wholemeal products, lean meat, fish and pulses. You can read all about calorie density in the Volumetrics Diet article.

And above all, eat lots of protein

A protein-rich diet with many proteins supports the breakdown of fat. Accordingly, you eat dairy products, lean meat, fish and eggs as often as possible instead of foods full of carbohydrates.

Lots of sleep – one of the easiest weight loss tips

During sleep our body regenerates so that we can give full power when we are awake. Studies show that poor sleep and lack of sleep can make you fat in the long run – the feeling of hunger increases. That’s why we should sleep for about eight hours every night if possible to lose weight without exercise.

Avoid small sins – away with belly fat

The cake that our colleague brought with her, the jelly babies that are just standing on the coffee table – there are a lot of little sins that we can hardly resist in everyday life and that ruin all diets. Unfortunately they add up and can make the bravest weight loss attempts fail. Only discipline can help here! Those who cannot do without everything completely, treat themselves to a little sweets per day. This is what you are looking forward to most.

Weight loss plan: Small exercises in everyday life

Also for sports muffle possible: Small everyday exercises not only keep muscles and joints fit, but also wake us up directly, especially in the morning. Special fat burners are strength exercises like push-ups or knee bends. It’s not about powering up for half an hour, but using free time sensibly – while the kettle is running or the food is roasting in the oven, for example.

1 Comment
  1. Charli Smith says

    If it is not too late can anyone give me advice, tips, starter tricks, good store for shoes and boards, and possible any videos to learn from. Anything would be appreciated.

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