Ultrasound for Cellulite: Does It Really Help?

Fighting cellulite with ultrasound. We have taken a close look at the ten most common anti-cellulite methods: How do they work, what are their benefits, what are their costs?

Getting rid of cellulite – does it work with ultrasound?

It sounds harsh, but we women are programmed for cellulite. Our connective tissue is naturally structured in such a way that the fibers cannot tear during pregnancy, but everything stays nice and loose.

Outside of pregnancy, however, this circumstance is not a gift. Fat cells take advantage of the yielding effect and are deposited on the thighs, hips and bottom. They multiply a hundredfold and dimple through the skin – the classic orange peel skin. Female hormones then provide additional development aid. Oestrogens stimulate an enzyme that promotes fat production and water retention. Only ten percent of all women have no cellulite. Not everything goes smoothly, even for models: they use adhesive tape to tighten up photos, perfect the contours on the computer and refine the skin texture. The remaining 90 percent then cream, massage and train against this ideal image.

What is this all about?

Cellulite makes women illogical – everyone wants something that hardly has any: firm legs. It doesn’t help that we register the dents and waves around us and that our 25-year-old colleague or fitness trainer is also not without it. Every year, the general unrest increases with the temperature. We have therefore taken a closer look at the current anti-cellulite methods that are offered in beauty institutes and practices. Are the treatments with ultrasound etc. really useful? Or are they just purifying your wallet?

1. Ultrasound

Ultrasound treatments stimulate the microcirculation of the skin and are also said to have a positive effect on the superficial musculature. According to the manufacturer, “the increased blood flow leads to an increase in cell activity and the formation of new collagen”. After only a few ultrasound applications, the connective tissue should visibly firm up. Each “problem zone” is exposed to ultrasound for a different length of time.

What is it? Caution with improper ultrasound treatments! “If the cosmetician is not familiar with the device, intensive sonication can lead to burns. So the risk is high and the effect on cellulite is zero”, says sports physician Dr. Knud Heinert.

The costs: between 100 and 250 USD per ultrasound treatment.

2. Hypoxi therapy

This method is based on the assumption that blood is a decisive factor in fat loss. The theory: Fat is broken down faster in places with good blood circulation than in places with poor blood circulation. Since exercise is the best way to promote blood circulation, you cycle on an ergometer in a vacuum chamber that reaches up to the hips. Negative pressure should first suck the blood into the fatty tissue of the problem zones, where it is enriched with fatty acids that the body releases through exercise. Computer-controlled pressure change accelerates – so the promise – the transport of fat to the muscles, where it is then burned. The pressure is adjusted to the personal training rhythm. The heart rate is checked regularly and adapts to the condition.

What is it? This method definitely trains the awareness that the fight against cellulite can only be won in the long run with exercise. However, sports scientists like Professor Dr. Ingo Froböse from the Cologne Sports University consider the theory of better fat burning through negative pressure to be pure nonsense. Because you sweat much more in the vacuum chamber than when cycling in the fresh air, but not a single gram of fat is lost through sweat.

The costs: basic package costs $174, and the combo package costs $324.

3. Stimulation current (cellutron)

Low current comes from the rehabilitation sector and is used in patients to rebuild weak muscles. As far as cellulite is concerned, the electricity used in beauty salons is supposed to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism and to convert fat into muscle cells. Electrodes are attached directly to the problem zones and set the muscles in motion with light electrical impulses. Anyone who decides on this type of bodybuilding should see a beautician two to three times a week. After about five applications, the dents should appear more subtle.

What is it? First of all: the stimulation current treatment must remain in the rehabilitation area. If a cosmetician attaches the electrodes in the wrong places, damage to the muscles can occur. But even if they are correctly positioned, they do not help against cellulite: “Stimulation current does indeed supply blood to the tissue and stimulate the metabolism, but this never causes fat cells to be converted into muscle cells,” says sports physician and orthopedic surgeon Dr. Knud Heinert.

The costs: per treatment are between 110 and 160 USD.

4. Lymph drainage

The lymph is the nutritive fluid and waste water system of the connective tissue. In case of stress, wrong nutrition or lack of exercise, the system becomes clogged. Harmful substances cannot be removed and nutrients cannot be absorbed. A lymph drainage ensures that everything flows again. The lymph is directed into the lymph nodes with gentle and rhythmically pumping hand movements. Congestion is thus relieved and water accumulations can be transported away via the kidneys. After about ten treatments, orange peel skin should be visibly smoothed.

What is it? The gentle lymphatic massage actually drains and is also used in orthodox medicine, after operations for example. After lymphatic massages as an anti-cellulite method, many women report that the jeans fit better afterwards. The treatment must not hurt under any circumstances – if it does, the grips are not right. Cosmeticians should have a training according to Dr. Vodder. Important: After the treatment you must drink a lot. Still water and all herbal teas support the lymphatic system in its cleansing work.

The costs usually ranging from $75 to $100 per session.

5. Body wrapping

Body wrappings are offered by almost all cosmetic institutes as cellulite therapy. First the cosmetician creams the body with essential oils, algae extracts or cinnamon ointment. Then the treated areas are firmly wrapped in a special foil. The body then sweats for an hour – wrapped like a mummy. The body wrapping stimulates the metabolism locally and promotes blood circulation. Immediately after the treatment, the skin looks smooth, well cared for and beautifully supplied with blood. The trousers seem to sit looser on the problem areas. For a longer lasting success, cosmetic institutes recommend a cure of five to ten applications two to three times a year.

What is it? There are no studies, but some women have experienced that thighs and hips really have a few inches less girth after wrapping. But only for a short time. The next day everything is back to normal. Wrappings are not recommended for cellulite without accompanying lymph drainage. Unless you only want one thing at first: to fit comfortably into your new sheath dress in the evening!

The costs range $80-$150 for 45 minutes

6. Slide styler

On the so-called “slide styler” the cellulite is placed in cuffs. They are connected to a control unit that fills the air chambers of the cuffs and empties them again – similar to a blood pressure monitor. This mechanical lymphatic drainage is intended to move and drain fat and water accumulations in the tissue. The pressure waves glide rhythmically over thighs, buttocks, hips or arms. The whole thing is done according to a 30-minute choreography specially programmed on the device. Through the overlapping chambers, the problem zones are to be completely decongested. Afterwards, the legs feel light, the skin on thighs and bottom feels firmer. Ten treatments should deepen the result, after which a monthly refreshment should be enough to maintain the condition.

What is it? Lymph experts criticize that the effect cannot be compared to a manual massage and that the lymph nodes are not opened before. There are no studies on the exact mode of action of the styler. Our tip: If you find the constantly changing pressure uncomfortable anyway and suffer from claustrophobia, you should opt for classic lymph drainage.

The costs for the slide styler: 110 to 170 USD per treatment.

7. Vacu-Styler

The device looks very futuristic – like an oversized beverage can in which the lower body is hermetically sealed for 30 minutes. The Vacu-Styler works according to a principle used in space travel to supply the astronauts’ legs with sufficient blood in weightlessness: pressure and negative pressure alternate, widening and narrowing the blood vessels and thus stimulating the lymph. After 10 to 20 sessions, cellulite is said to have visibly improved. To maintain the result, a monthly “space trip” is recommended.

What is it? In order for the pressure-vacuum treatment to work properly, the women are given a short manual lymphatic drainage beforehand. This is because the lymph nodes in the neck, groin and, ideally, the back of the knee must be open so that everything can flow properly. The lymph drainage is then continued in the Vacu-Styler, but with more power. The pumping is done every seven seconds, which can hinder breathing. A proper lymphatic drainage is nicer.

The costs each session are between 100 and 150 USD.

8. Deep heat with infrared

Deep warmth is generated by cuffs or hot wraps that heat the skin temperature up to 42 degrees. Slowly, the core temperature of the body also rises. The artificial fever is said to promote blood circulation and metabolic activity. Before treatment, the skin is rubbed with a thermal lotion and wrapped in foil. During the next 30 minutes the body’s “combustion engine” is to be stimulated by deep sweating and fat is to be broken down in the cells for up to 48 hours.

What is it? The high temperatures can cause spider veins and the infrared radiation damages the connective tissue. This has been proven by studies (e.g. by Beiersdorf). And what about the increased fat loss through deep heat? Lipometabolism experts can only laugh about this.

The costs ranging from $25 to $100 per session.

9. Endermologie

In endermologie, doctors first open the lymphatic ducts of the body with a specially developed vacuum massage device. Then the problem zones are treated specifically: The skin is sucked in and simultaneously kneaded by rollers. Patients wear special full-body suits so that they leave the practice without bruises after the 45-minute treatment. The massage increases the blood circulation in the poorly supplied fatty tissue, the proportion of oxygen increases and the metabolism is accelerated. Fat reduction is to be stimulated, the connective tissue tightened and the elasticity of the skin improved. Initially, at least 15 to 20 applications should be necessary.

What is it? There are only manufacturer studies. Some women report positive results, but for others nothing happens. And: the method is only as good as the doctors or the cosmeticians who carry it out. If the necessary sensitivity is lacking, even a tight full-body suit will not protect against bruises.

The costs for one treatment: about $75 to $100 .

10. Cellulipolysis

Behind this is a method that gets under the skin: needles pester cellulite. First there is a thorough preliminary examination, during which blood and urine are also tested. If the doctor gives the green light, the treatment can begin. Several fine needles are inserted under the skin parallel to the surface. These needles are connected to a low current device via electrodes. The electric field is intended to act specifically on the fat cells. These supposedly defend themselves against the current, consume energy and use their own reserves. They destroy themselves through the effort, it is said. A total of eight to ten sessions are said to be necessary at weekly intervals.

What is it? Also for cellulipolysis only manufacturer studies are available. Some doctors and their patients swear by them. However, there are at least as many women for whom the treatments have not helped at all. And the needles are not without danger either: if they are inserted incorrectly, it can hurt like hell and cause dark blue spots.

The costs for one session (1 hour): about 120 to 180 USD.

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