Vitamin E Oil: What can The Beauty Product Do?

Vitamin E is not only important in food, the vitamin also has a convincing effect in skin care. Here you can find out everything important about vitamin E oil.

Vitamin E: Effect

Many beauty products contain vitamin E. The vitamin is also available as pure vitamin E oil and can therefore be applied directly to the skin. You can find out why the vitamin is so important in beauty products here:

  • Vitamin E has a strong antioxidant effect, i.e. it protects the cells from oxidative stress, which otherwise damages the skin cells: our cells are affected by free radicals, which are produced, for example, by stress or UV radiation. They contribute to skin aging. Vitamin E in turn neutralizes these radicals and makes them harmless.
  • The vitamin promotes wound healing and helps our skin to strengthen its natural protective barrier. This helps to maintain moisture in the cells. This prevents the formation of wrinkles and maintains the elasticity of the skin.
  • The natural skin barrier (lipid layer) is also responsible for fending off harmful substances. With an adequate supply of vitamin E, the lipid layer remains intact and resistant to bacteria and viruses, for example, thus maintaining healthy skin.
  • Vitamin E stimulates the formation of new cells! With age, the natural skin barrier is weakened, so that external influences can increasingly damage the skin. Especially then and with skin in need of care, it is important to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamin E!
  • Vitamin E is also an effective means of reducing scarring and preventing stretch marks.
  • It is also anti-inflammatory, strengthens the immune system when taken with food and contributes, among other things, to a healthy cholesterol level.
  • Vitamin E oil can also be used in hair care products to provide moisture and shine.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E (also known as tocopherol) is a vital vitamin that actually comprises the complete group of substances of tocopherols and tocotreinole. The body cannot produce it itself. It must be taken in with food. Applied externally it cares for the skin in the form of oils or serums.

What Does a Lack of Vitamin E Do?

A vitamin E deficiency becomes noticeable, for example, through cracked skin. The skin ages earlier, wound healing is inhibited and the susceptibility to age spots, inflammation and diseases increases.

How Do You Take up Vitamin E?

The daily requirement of vitamin E for women is 11 to 12 mg while men need 12 to 15 mg. This valuable vitamin is particularly abundant in oils and nuts or kernels. For example, olive oil, sunflower oil and wheat germ oil contain particularly high levels of vitamin E. Already 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil cover the daily requirement. Here, the quality characteristic “native” must be observed. This makes it clear that a cold pressing took place and thus all important ingredients are still contained in the oil.

In the nuts and kernels sector, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, linseeds or hazelnuts are good sources of vitamin E. A diet that ensures a sufficient supply of vitamin E is therefore ideal for counteracting skin aging. External application is also advisable to provide additional protection for the skin.

Care for the Skin with Vitamin E

As skin care, the following native plant oils can optimally supply the skin with vitamin E:

  • Wheat germ oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Olive oil

There are also many beauty products that are enriched with vitamin E, such as face oils or serums.

Pure vitamin E oil is also available in stores. In general, when applied externally, the vitamin is suitable for all skin types. However, if you are suffering from severe acne or have very sensitive skin, you should start slowly. There are also people who are allergic to the pure vitamin E oil and get skin irritations!

Pure vitamin E oil is applied to dry, cleansed skin – water, on the other hand, prevents absorption through the skin. Massage the oil into the skin and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing off with water.

Attention: The pure vitamin E oil is not suitable for consumption, otherwise an overdose would occur, which is dangerous.

Are you interested in the effects and application of other body and plant oils? Then you can read all about avocado oil, and rosehip oil here.

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