What You Need to Know about Zinc

What do you think of when you hear the keyword zinc? Maybe old bathtubs, ointment for wounds and burns or neon-coloured sun protection for the lips? Zinc is much more: besides iron, zinc is the most important trace element in our body.

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To date, around 200 biochemical processes in which zinc is involved are known. Among them many that keep the protein metabolism going. And only if this metabolism runs smoothly can a sufficient number of body cells be formed and grow undisturbed. So everything is fine when we swallow our daily zinc pill? Certainly not. But for certain disorders and complaints an extra portion can make sense.

Just ten milligrams of zinc in addition per day should protect against colds and flu, says John Hadden from the University of Tampa, Florida. “Zinc strengthens the immune system and ensures that enough specialized cells are available to defend against pathogens.” Even if the cold is already there, the scientist says, zinc can help people get well faster. Cold, cough and hoarseness should disappear after three or four days and not last a week or longer as usual.

Women are poorly provided for

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends 12 milligrams of zinc per day for women, which should be taken in with food. As the latest nutrition report shows, women between 19 and 51 years of age only get an average of about 9 milligrams a day. Those who smoke, take the pill, regularly swallow laxatives or go on radical diets are particularly likely to fall into the red.

Good for skin and hair

The cells of skin, hair roots and immune system have an intensive metabolism and divide quickly. Therefore they are particularly dependent on the trace element. People with chronic zinc deficiency are more likely to get skin inflammation and redness. The hair is often brittle, lackluster and unevenly thick.

Childless due to zinc deficiency

The trace element is involved in the production of reproductive hormones and influences fertility. In women, zinc deficiency leads to cycle disorders and the chances of conception decrease. If men are poorly supplied with zinc, not enough testosterone and semen are produced. A large number of studies have shown that in such cases zinc causes the hormone level to rise again, improves potency and finally also increases the count of semen.

High need during pregnancy

Pregnant women need more nutrients. In addition to folic acid, iodine, iron or magnesium, zinc is the most important. If the mother’s zinc supply is right, the risk of miscarriage or premature labour is reduced. The babies have a higher birth weight and significantly fewer malformations. Whether pregnant women should generally take zinc preparations is controversial, however. This is recommended if there have been problems or disorders during a previous pregnancy.

The best zinc sources

Meat, seafood, dairy products and eggs are the best sources of zinc. Although we eat a lot of meat, it is well known that there is also iron in it. And that, just like calcium (in dairy products), hinders the absorption of zinc. So zinc deficiency seems programmed. But whether this can really be considered the cause of a poor zinc supply is not yet known to researchers. By the way, strict vegetarians do not have it so easily to get enough zinc. In wholemeal bread, nuts and vegetables the trace element is only in small quantities. In addition, the body cannot absorb zinc from vegetable sources well. In this case, it is not possible without an extra portion of the trace element when deficiency symptoms appear.

Is your balance sheet correct?

You can have your doctor check it during your next routine check. If you want to take preventive measures, capsules with 10 milligrams of zinc are sufficient. More is not harmful, but unnecessary. And another tip: Do not buy combination preparations that contain other minerals besides zinc.

This much zinc is in it

Oatmeal 10,0
Beef 4,2
Pork liver 3,4
Camembert 3,0
Nuts 2,5
Chicken 2,4
Whole grain bread 2,1
Pork tenderloin 1,8
Shrimps 1,5
Chicken eggs 1,1
Salmon 0,8
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