You Feel Baby Kicks in Your Womb, But You’re not Pregnant?

The strange, familiar and beautiful feeling of having a baby in your womb. Even though there isn’t one… We’ll tell you why.

A nudge, a flutter, a real kick – that’s how it felt the last time you were pregnant. Baby kicks and movements in the womb are among the most beautiful experiences of an expectant mother. But what if the baby is already in the world, but even months later you still feel movements and kicks? And actually you are not pregnant at all.

Countless women feel phantom kicks long after birth

This can be alarming and also really scary. The first thought is an unnoticed pregnancy. Most of the time it’s just the uterus.

There are two good reasons why mothers feel that way:

In women who gave birth to a child a few months ago, it is often simply contractions of the uterus. It takes several months for the uterus to regain its old shape. And then mothers pay attention to every sign through the experience of pregnancy and are therefore much more sensitive to their body afterwards as well. Every twitch and pinch is realized and checked. Not intended at all, rather quite subconsciously.

Mothers have superpowers

These movements and supposed kicks have always been there. We just didn’t notice them before we became mothers. And now they are stored in our memory forever and this can also happen in the memory of muscles and nerves. This is not so bad: While other superpowers of pregnancy, like the super sense of smell or the shiny hair, disappear with the birth, others like this sensitivity will stay for years. And isn’t it good to feel yourself more?

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